How To Hide & Unhide Chat In YoWhatsApp?


If you are a user of YoWhatsapp, then you must be wondering about the simple yet most frequently asked query: how to hide and unhide chat in YoWhatsapp? If you want to know the answer to this query, then you are at the right place. Yousef Al Basha’s YOWhatsApp, one of the top WhatsApp MODs for Android, is capable of competing with the most well-known tools in this market, like FMWhatsApp, GBWhatsApp, and WhatsApp Plus.

YoWhatsapp has all the features we would anticipate from a tool of this kind, including privacy enhancements like the option to hide our online status and the ability to use the app for a second WhatsApp number on the same phone are the key features of this MOD. Other features include the removal of limitations and restrictions when it comes to sending files, sophisticated security features to lock down access to the app and to particular chats with passwords and patterns, and advanced security features.

How To Hide & Unhide Chat In YoWhatsApp?

How To Hide & Unhide Chats In YoWhatsApp?

Follow this tutorial post to hide the chat and safeguard your privacy if you don’t want other people to see what you and someone else are talking about online.

YoWhatsApp, one of the finest WhatsApp Mod apps, unquestionably provides a number of features and benefits that WhatsApp and even other WhatsApp Mods do not. For instance, one benefit of YoWhatsApp is the ability to hide someone’s chat. Hiding chat in YoWhatsApp can be done through archiving.

However, when compared to official WhatsApp, archiving WhatsApp chats is the only way to make them invisible. This is undoubtedly not ideal because the archived discussion automatically returns to your WhatsApp homepage whenever your friend sends a new message.

Therefore, the method for hiding chat on YoWhatsApp is different. YoWhatsApp offers a function that allows you to keep private chats private even when your friends send you fresh messages. In the following section, methods for both hiding and unhiding chat in YoWhatsApp would be discussed.

How to Hide Chat In YoWhatsapp?

If you want to hide chat in YoWhatsApp, then the following simple steps must be followed:

1. Open the YoWhatsApp app, touch and hold a friend’s chat that you wish to hide, tap on the top right corner “Three Dots” after selecting the preferred contact.

YoWhatsApp Hide Chat Setting

2. From the menu list, click on “Hide Chat” to hide the chat.

YoWhatsApp Hide Chat

3. If you are using this feature for the first time, it will ask you to set up a Lock to access hidden chats later so choose a Pattern, PIN, or Fingerprint to use as a password.

Create a pattern or a pin that is simple to remember.

YoWhatsApp Choose A Lock Pattern
YoWhatsApp Choose A Lock Pattern

4. That’s it, your friend’s chat will be effectively hidden.

Now, are you wondering how to unhide it back? As it will not even appear anywhere in your chats now. :-p It is a tricky thing to access hidden chat. But, don’t worry here I am sharing how to unhide Chats in YoWhatsApp. Have a look at the steps.

How To Unhide Chats In YoWhatsApp?

Once you have hidden chats in YoWhatsApp, at some point, you may now want to unhide the hidden chats. If this is so, then follow these simple to reveal or unhide a WhatsApp chat that you have hidden from the Achieve option:

1. Go to the chats section in YoWhatsApp and click on the “YoWhatsApp Logo” appearing on the top. (refer to the screenshot attached)

YoWhatsApp Chats Screen

2. Just after clicking the Logo, it will ask you to enter the PIN or PATTERN that you selected while hiding the chat. Simply enter your password or pattern and it will show your hidden chats.

YoWhatsApp Lock
YoWhatsApp Lock

3. Long-press on the desired chat to you wish to unhide and click on the top right corner “Three Dots” again and simply tap on the “Unhide Chat” option.

YoWhatsApp Unhide Chat

4. The chat is once more displayed on the chats page, and you may see it now.

This is a simple method to unhide YoWhatsApp’s hidden chat conversations. I personally utilize the function, and thus far, I have not encountered any issues.


On YoWhatsApp, How Can I Unhide Someone?

The chats you hide only stay on YoWhatsApp. Open Yo WhatsApp click on the Logo and enter the pattern/pin you have entered while hiding chat. Tap and hold the chat you wish to unhide and click on Unhide chat from the top right menu.

What Are The Pre-Requisites For Hiding And Unhiding Chats In YoWhatsApp?

You will have to download the most recent version, as the most recent version of YoWhatsApp allows users to hide chats. Therefore, check to see if YoWhatsApp is installed on your smartphone and if it is the most recent version. If not, you should upgrade your YoWhatsApp software.

How Do I Lock A Whatsapp Conversation?

Go to the Account section. Next, select Privacy. Scroll down to the last selection, Fingerprint lock. To enable it on your phone, tap on it. By tapping your registered finger once on the sensor, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to lock/unlock WhatsApp using the fingerprint sensor on your phone.

What Is The Most Recent Version Of YoWhatsapp?

The most recent YoWhatsApp version from Yousef Al Basha has new and enhanced features. It is YoWhatsApp v9.45 (as of 14th November 2022, you can check the updated version and download it from our homepage). You may take advantage of having more themes and privacy settings in the YoWhatsApp Android app, as well as some more new customizable controls.

How To Utilise Yowhatsapp And Its Functioning?

The UI of YOWhatsApp is divided into various tabs or parts, which may be quickly explored from the app’s upper area by sliding the screen left or right: Calls, Chats, and Status. On the left side of this upper menu, there is a camera as well.

How To Remove YoWhatsApp?

You only need to follow the same steps you would take to remove any other application from your Android smartphone in order to delete YOWhatsApp. First off, we advise you to make a copy of all of your chats on the instant messaging program.


Are you wondering how to hide and unhide a YoWhatsApp chat? Can WhatsApp chat be hidden or locked? So, this article is a detailed explanation of how to lock or hide as well as unhide WhatsApp chat in an amazing app YoWhatsapp. I’m going to walk you through the top techniques for locking and hiding your WhatsApp messages so that you can use the app more safely and privately. Furthermore, a method for unhiding chats will also be shared.

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